3 of the Coolest, Nautical Conversation Pieces

Nautical home decor

Nautical home decorations are tasteful, elegant, and rustic. That’s one of the main reasons why they’re so popular nowadays. But there’s another reason why nautical items make perfect decor: they’re absolutely fascinating.

Nautical decorations are conversation pieces. Each piece of nautical decor has its own story, and anyone who visits is likely to ask about it.

Rather than delicately brushing questions away, why not learn a thing or two about the nautical decor? Just because it’s not authentic doesn’t mean the owner shouldn’t know a thing or two about where it comes from. Here are a few fascinating, popular pieces of nautical decor, and the stories behind them.

Diving Helmets. Old-timey diving helmets are popular mantel pieces, conjuring up the exploratory spirit of the 19th and 20th century when people were only just beginning to plumb the ocean’s murky depths. These helmets were invented by the brothers Charles and John Deane in the 1820s, but popularized by Charles Siebe, who perfected the helmet in the 1830s. It’s Siebe’s version of the helmet that people think of when they think about diving helmets.

Rope Wall Hanging. Rope wall hangings are another popular piece of nautical decor, and were quite common in coastal towns. Sailor who have tattoos of rope around their wrist used to deckhands, one of the lowest possible positions. The rope tattoo is meant to serve as a reminder of their time doing grunt work. Rope wall hangings can also signify something similar. They can serve as a personal reminder to remember where you’ve come from, and celebrate the work you’ve done to get as far in life as you have.

Pirate Flags. Pirate flags aren’t the most common pieces of decor, but if you choose a flag other than the common Jolly Roger — the skull and crossbones — you’ll surely get a few questions. Though each flag had similar colors and themes — commonly featuring skeletons in black, white, and red — each one was as unique as the dreaded pirate who flew under it. Choose a flag that’s visually distinct, and find out why the pirate chose that symbol.

If you know of any other cool conversation pieces to work into a nautical theme, feel free to share in the comments.

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