New clothes are a popular gift around the holiday as new winter styles are out and clothing sales are abundant. Children have outgrown their winter outfits and shoes from last year and a new wardrobe that actually fits is desired. A few of your husband garments are tattered and worn, and you are just longing to get rid of his ragged favorite shirt.
Instead of just adding to your closet rack and pushing out dated styles to the side, packing away your children’s clothing just in case a friend might want them, or throwing away your husbands ripped jeans, you could make clothing donations to red cross donation centers. American Red Cross clothing donations help people who do not have the option to buy the trendiest style, or purchase new clothes that fit their growing children. They can recycle your husband’s tattered t-shirts and worn out jeans to make blankets or other necessary items.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that about 10 pounds of clothes are thrown away by each American per year. Combine that with the fact that in the United States, during January 2015, 564,708 people were homeless, and you will realize that there are millions of pounds of clothing that could be given to a people who are in desperate need of warmth, work clothes, and items as simple as socks.
The American National Red Cross received $687 million in private donations during 2014, and is ranked the 13th largest United States private donation charity. There are many donation centers and drop boxes around the United States to help make donating an easy alternative to discarding clothing. American Red Cross clothing donations are also able to be picked up in many different areas of the U.S., providing a simple way to donate without leaving your home.
So, as you put your new holiday gifts into your closet, don’t just push your old clothes aside. Sort through and get rid of unwanted items or clothing that you just haven’t worn in a long time. Someone who cannot afford to go shopping, buy holiday gifts, purchase groceries, or even rent a small apartment is in need of clothing that will help their future.