Thanks to good Samaritans, clothing donations keep the needy warm, safe, and covered from the elements. Despite the rising number of donors, there is a greater need for lightly used clothing and household items than ever before. Families might be convinced to donate household goods more readily if they knew more about the where, whens, and hows of donation.
When to Give
Generally speaking, there is never a bad time for charitable donations. Around 42% of donors ended up giving more during the holidays than the rest of the year; this is likely because they replaced those items to be donated. Many donation centers have 24 hour drop off locations to ensure that your donations can be taken day or night.
Where to Give
Donation centers operate during working hours, making it quick and easy to drop off your donations. The aforementioned 24 hour drop sites may be located in an area near you. Some donation facilities are adapting their tactics, as a recent survey has shown that nearly half of donors prefer a door-to-door pickup service, with many saying that they would not go 10 minutes out of their way to drop off donations. Some donation centers are now initiating a donation pickup service that will come to your door to collect your clothing, toys, appliances, or whatever else you wanted to give to a good home.
How to Give
Giving starts with a good intention to help others. Clothing that you haven’t worn in over a year, or old children’s toys and books can all be repurposed and treated like new again to a family in need. Making the decision to donate household goods might be an easy one for some people, but for those who benefit from your good acts of charity, it can mean the world to them. For many, donation is just the beginning with many donors volunteering their time at soup kitchens or other food pantries in an effort to make their communities stronger places and themselves more caring individuals.