Do you love the feeling of a newly clean house? For many people, nothing makes a house feel better than clean and freshly organized closets? Sometimes, however, the best motivation to cleaning out unruly and cluttered closets and cupboard is knowing what you can be giving to others in the process.
Did you know that donating unused clothes to a charity clothing pick up service can provide help to many in your community? Obviously, the clothing itself can become donations to veterans and other people of need. Did you also realize, however, that the clothing recycling industry also provides work for many individuals? Household donations and
local clothing donations require a process of sorting and sizing that offers both part time and full time employment for many who are trying to find a way to feed and clothe their own families. Even the most worn and tattered clothing provides employment opportunities for those who work in the textile recycling field.
Donating used clothing also decreases pollution and landfill waste. Luckily, research shows that an estimated 70% of Americans donate to charity at least once a year. In 2011, for example, an estimated 2 million tons of clothing and textiles were recycled or donated to charity in the U.S. In fact, total giving to charitable organizations amounted to an estimated $316.23 billion in America in 2012.
Maybe all it would take for you to realize the importance of scouring your home for unused clothing and household items would be to donate some of your own time to a clothing distribution center. If you had the opportunity to see the gratitude and relief when someone in need finds just the right outfit for an upcoming interview, you would begin to understand the importance of charity clothing pick up services. The smile on a little girl’s face as she finds a nearly new back to school outfit is worth more than any money you have ever spent on clothes for yourself.
Clothing and textiles can easily be recycled and reused for charity donations. Knowing that cleaning your closets, as well as your kitchen and garage shelves, can fill the warehouses of charity clothing pick up services should be motivation enough to get you started on even the most crammed closet. But when you also take into account the number of employment opportunities these donations provide, it just makes good sense to do your part. What are you waiting for? A cluttered closet is just waiting for you somewhere in your house!