If you are moving into a new home, there are a number of things you will want to do before winter comes. For example, the existing windows may be likely to leak air which could make your home a lot colder during the winter. This will also affect your heating bill negatively. So what do you do? Window companies generally recommend making sure your windows are properly sealed. Generally, this is done using silicon along the edges of window because silicon does not crack easily.
In this video, you will about window sealing and other tips to get your new home ready for winter.
You will also want to have your heating furnace inspected before winter. You don’t want any unwelcome surprises come winter time. It is much better to find them and take care of them while it is still warm.
You will also want to make sure your new home is properly insulated. Make sure to check the attic to see if all the insulation is in place. If not, you may have to add insulation yourself. This is actually fairly easy thanks to blow in insulation. You can buy bags of this stuff at your local home improvement store. With these tips, your home should be much warmer once winter arrives.