The Amish have been a community that has shown the rest of the country and the world what quality, handmade craftsmanship is all about for many, many years. All of their furniture is 100% handmade and always has been. To tell the truth, it has always been difficult to find anything of quality from small sheds to handmade furniture for the dining room that has been made any other way.
In the 1920s, American folk art was “discovered” and art dealers and art historians began to place great value on the beauty and quality of the pieces. Amish furniture fits into the category of folk art because of the craftsmanship involved in every piece that was built. The materials used, the time and energy in construction and the details in each simple piece convey not only the artistry but also the practicality of Amish furniture.
When you think of Amish furniture, you might think of a beautiful but simple dining room table or maybe a desk. What you might not think of straight away are Amish dog houses. When you think about how much you love your dog how much you would like them to be as protected as they can be, you should then turn your thought toward Amish dog houses. Here are three great reasons why.
1.) Amish dog houses are built to last.
When it comes to outdoor sheds, few of them can compare to the ones built in the Amish workshops. A wooden shed should be expected to last somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 years. The same can be said of a dog house. Unfortunately, our dogs don’t often live long enough to outlive the dog house so, once you invest you will likely have it for the life of your pet, if not longer.
2.) Amish dog houses keep out the elements.
If you have ever seen an Amish built shed, then you already know the kind of construction and care that goes into each and every one of the dog houses they build. From the walls to the shingles on the roof, each dog house is built to keep your dog safe and comfortable.
3.) Amish dog houses are worth the wait.
It will usually take between two to three months receive a piece of Amish furniture that you order online. This will likely be the case for the dog houses. But, here is the thing, when you get your dog house and place it where you want it on your property, it will be so worth it. You will have a handmade piece of folk art in your yard that will have been built just for your dog. Some things are simply worth the wait, and your dog will definitely thank you for it.