As awful as it sounds, thousands of people in the U.S. struggle with finding basic clothing for them and their families. Though the homeless usually come first to mind when thinking about the lack of clothing, it is not only them that struggle with finding clothing. Even those with places to live — entire families, at times — are unable to buy suitable clothing. It may not seem like a pressing issue in the U.S. but the fact remains that thousands of people need help from those more fortunate for basic necessities like food and clothing.
Helping families in need need not be a grueling chore. Anyone with a pair of discarded socks or a t-shirt one size too small can help. Donating clothes to charity is one of the simplest and least-taxing thing you can do to help those less fortunate. There are a number of charitable as well as non-profit organizations that accept clothing donations for the needy. There are a variety of charities to support but they all have the same objective: helping families in need and supporting those that, for whatever reason, cannot help themselves.
When donating clothes, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. First, you should ensure that they clothing you donate is in wearable condition. That means no (or few) tears, stains, and markings. Second, it is wise to wash the clothing before you donate them. That way, they can be put to use as quickly as possible. Third, check to see if you can receive tax exemptions for any donations. It is possible to receive tax deductions for donations.
Finally, if you are unwilling to go to a charitable organization, you can turn to charities that will pick up donations right from your doorstep. It’s that easy! So please, if you have any clothing you can spare, please do so. It will make someone’s world. Check out this site for more.