Giving back to charity is easy to do. After all, more than half the total United States population (a whopping 70% of it, as a matter of fact) gives back in some way over the course of each and every year. In fact, very nearly 5% of the annual income collectively generated by this country will go towards various charities. And even if you are not able to make a monetary donation, there are still other ways to give back yet, such as through charitable clothing donations.
Used clothing donations are easy to give, given that there are now things like the Red Cross pickup found all throughout the country. The Red Cross pickup makes making used clothing donations simple, as all you have to do is drop them off at the designated Red Cross pickup location. And as the American Red Cross is a hugely prominent organization throughout the United States, there is more likely than not going to be a Red Cross pickup near you – if not more than just the one Red Cross pickup in your area.
But why should you donate clothes to a Red Cross pickup location and not some other donation center? For one thing, the American Red Cross provides a great many services to the needy in this country. Without the American Red Cross, many people would certainly be much worse off indeed. Therefore, giving back to the American Red Cross to help it provide the shelter, food, blankets, clothing, and even blood that it gives out to the needy is a noble thing to do indeed. And as the American Red Cross keeps its shelters open every day of the year and every hour of the day, the average Red Cross pickup location will nearly always be in need of various donations.
Of course, the environmental impact is a great reason to give back in the form of used clothing donations as well, especially to a Red Cross pickup location in your area. For a great many people, climate change is a real concern and even fear that provokes a great deal of anxiety indeed. And while the entire tide of climate change cannot be turned with just charitable clothing donations, reducing the amount of garbage we create can be, on the whole, quite impactful indeed. After all, more than ten pounds of clothing are thrown away each and every year – and that’s just per person. Donating your clothing to a Red Cross pickup site or even another charitable venue will likely benefit the world – and if more and more people take the time to donate instead of throw away, this is a positive change that has the potential to be quite immense indeed, both here in the United States as well as in many other places all throughout the world as well.
After all, we all have more than enough clothing to donate. In fact, the average American person will actually consume as many as seven pairs of shoes and 68 other articles of clothing over the course of just one single year. And when you’re bringing in this amount of clothing, it is easy to see how you would have to part with some of the clothing that you already have. For many people, this will mean getting rid of anything that no longer fits. In addition to this, getting rid of anything that has not been worn for quite some time is ideal, as such clothing is likely to just sit and take up space in your closet and home, leading to clutter that you likely do not want to have to deal with. Donating your clothing, therefore, is something that is hugely ideal across the board and for all parties that are involved in it and in its impact.
At the end of the day, clothing donations need to happen. And donating to an American Red Cross pickup location is something that you can do to rest assured that your donated clothing will be used well and responsibly. And thanks to such donation locations, the ease of donating is certainly better than it has ever been before.