For those of us who are looking to give back to our communities as well as better the environment but don’t necessarily know how, charity clothing donations sent to a charity clothing pick up can truly be the best of both worlds. Charity clothing donations to a charity clothing pick up can also help the average person to clear out their closet, providing a first step in the process of decluttering that is so often necessary, no matter who you may be. And with more and more people donating to charity than ever before, a charity clothing pick up is likely to be well utilized and have a tremendous positive impact on the community as a whole.
For one, your home environment becoming cluttered is more likely than ever before, as the typical American resident now has infinitely more articles of clothing and possessions than in past years. In 1930, for instance, the average woman living in the United States only had, in total and on average, around nine outfits. Today, however, this has been much changed, with the average American woman having an average of thirty outfits. This means that the average person has an outfit for every single day of the month – and sometimes even more, depending on financial standing and a number of other factors. With nearly five billion pounds of clothing donated to a Red Cross donation center in just one year in the United States, much of our used clothing (around half of it, forty five percent, to be exact) goes directly towards helping our communities and is sold or distributed again as used clothing through Red Cross donations.
Unfortunately, however, we are currently only recycling around fifteen percent of the total clothes and textiles that we discard in the United States. To put things into perspective, it has been found that an astonishing one hundred percent of used articles of clothing and used textiles, no matter what condition they are in, can be recycled and repurposed. Even though only around forty five percent will be worn again as clothes, many donated and recycled clothes are repurposed as furniture stuffings and factory rags, among a variety of other uses. As the average person will throw away around seventy pounds of clothing per every single year, the total population of the United States contributes more than ten billion pounds of clothing to landfills in this same span of time. Giving our old clothing as Red Cross donations to a clothes drop off location can be hugely helpful, as Red Cross donations will not only help to protect the environment as well as reduce the amount of waste that we produce, they will also be instrumental in helping out the families in need in the communities that we find ourselves to be a part of.
The value of Red Cross donations is immense and as many as 70% of people choose to give to charities, and this charity in particular, as it is open 24/7 providing aid, but knowing when to donate clothes and give used clothing donations can be difficult. It must also be noted that parting with some of your old clothing, even if you do not wear it anymore, can certainly be difficult. But it is highly recommended that you part with pieces that you haven’t worn in more than six months, at least if you live in a climate that only has two seasons in total.
Red Cross donations just one way to donate but if there is not a charity clothing pick up for Red Cross donations near you, you can also drop off articles of clothing directly at most charities. But the charity clothing pick up option has become more popular, from a charity clothing pick up for wounded veterans charities to a charity clothing pick up to donate to green charities. No matter where you donate, donations of clothing are hugely important and should not be underestimated. From the environmental impact to the positive effect on the community that you live in, clothing donations are important and the use of the charity clothing pick up site has made it easy.