Parents of toddlers often commiserate about the challenge of handling “the terrible twos.” Anyone who has dealt with a little toddler who’s having a big tantrum or a child who is melting down at the supermarket can empathize. According to WebMD, you should prepare some strategies ahead of time to achieve your daily tasks no matter what your child’s behavior may be, including working on activities for toddlers.
Our research has shown children who are engaged in tasks will be less likely to melt down. Therefore, it is essential for parents of two-year-olds to build an arsenal of activities for toddlers. In addition, you can invest in your child’s future independence by allowing them to help you with household tasks. Daily activities for 2-year-olds could include picking up toys, setting the table, dusting furniture, or helping to load the washing machine.

Building activities for toddlers (such as using blocks or interconnective plastic shapes) engage your child with cognitive and organizational skills. If your child builds something they are proud of, don’t be surprised if a later tantrum causes them to kick it down. If your child loves crafts, you might try contact paper or stickers to produce mess-free crafts for 2-year-olds. There are so many ways to help your child through this time.

When your child reaches two you might find that you have entered a difficult time in your child’s life and in your parenting career. There’s a reason they’re called the terrible twos. Dealing with the terrible twos is hard, but it can be achieved. Even better, you can achieve dealing with terrible twos and raising your child right at the same time. To help you out, here’s a list of 6 tips for managing your toddler.
- Manage a Temper Tantrum
First, here is a tip on dealing with toddler tantrums. First, you have to remain calm. Second, you must not reinforce the behavior. That sounds obvious, but there are many ways to reinforce the behavior without realizing it. For instance, if you were to get frustrated with your child and show it, you’d be showing reaction. That lets the child know that he’ll get a reaction the next time he acts that way.
Instead, make sure to be calm and not respond to your screaming child. Ignore him and continue with whatever you were doing. Then, as soon as your child calms down, comfort him. Then, guide him to know the proper way to express himself in time of need. - Plan Around Your Child
In addition, it’s a good idea to keep your schedule fluid and to work it around your child. For instance, you don’t want to be going out around the time that your child gets hungry or sleepy. She will only then go into a tantrum while you’re out. You don’t want to go through that. Generally, plan your day ahead to ensure that when you have to go out or do some sort of activity, that you won’t have an angry kid ready to explode. - Handling Public Outbursts
That said, even if you plan you might find yourself in the middle of a public outburst. We all know the scene and before we became parents we might not have sympathized with the parent of the screaming child. Now, we know the parent’s pain. Having an angry child go into a tantrum is a rite of passage when going through the terrible twos.
That said, there are ways to make these events easier and less frequent. First, you should try to calm your child down by taking her away from any stimulation. Find a separate area to take your child. Once she’s calmed down, try to talk to her and understand what’s going on without giving in and giving into the bad habit. This will help your child learn how to properly communicate and you’d be ensuring there aren’t any repeat performances. - Communicate Back
In addition, it’s important that you learn to communicate back to your child. When he goes through a tantrum that is his way of communicating that there is a problem. By talking to your child you are inherently teaching him to communicate back. In addition, it’s good that you communicate about any changes happening like you having to go out or go to work. Communication is key towards raising a well adjusted child. - Give Options
In addition, when your child reaches two it’s a good time to start giving her some more independence. She can start doing things you would have thought impossible before this age. As such, let her grow more by giving her tasks. One idea are having her help to set the table. Also, it’s a great idea to let your child make more decisions such as the color of her clothes or deciding which snack to get. This will make your child feel hear and give her a little independence. - Pay Attention
Last but not least, you will want not only listen to your child but look out for him. Watch your child and look for signs of discomfort. See if there are any visible signs that your child might start a tantrum do to hunger, tiredness, or boredom. If so, be preemptive by having snacks, a bed, or an activity ready before the tantrum begins.
The most important thing when raising a child and getting through the terrible twos is to listen, communicate, and help teach good communication skills. We love our kids and we want the best for them. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way.