Donating clothing to charity is not only a great way to contribute to society and community but it is personally satisfying and a great way to be involved in the bigger picture. We often think of other countries as needing charity and supplies but we forget that we really need help for our own country. So many people live in poverty right here in American and donating clothing to charity is just one way that we can participate in helping families in need. Here are some other ways that you can help those who need you.
- Charitable donations of any kind, whether it be donating clothing to charity or giving money or household goods can be very beneficial to different kinds of people. Try never to throw anything away but give it to charity and allow it to continue its life by helping out someone who needs it more than you do. Donating is easy to do. All you have to do is collect the items that you want to donate and then either take them to a drop off center or there are charities that will pick up donations from your house. You just have to call and schedule the pick up.
- Giving up one day out of the month or every so often to volunteer at a soup kitchen will mean the world to some of these people that eat there. Soup kitchens are life savers for some families and are what keep them going. If you can volunteer even more of your time, you will be begin to build meaningful relationships and these people living in poverty will see that you genuinely care about them and sometimes, that’s all a person needs to be encouraged to take their life in their own hands and try to make something out of it.
- Sometimes ‘those in need’ aren’t just those living in poverty or dire straights. It could be yourself. Often times, we need something more. We need to feel helpful and useful and like we are making a difference. Engaging in a community service to help clean up the town or something like that can be a great way to help yourself feel like you are apart of something bigger. It will give you a sense of purpose and make your city more beautiful at the same time, so everybody wins.
- What about our own neighborhoods? We don’t all even know our neighbors. Take some times out and get to know your neighbors a little bit. Then, when they need something you are available to help. It could be something small like bringing in the mail or feeding their fish while they are out of town or it could be as big as offering a shoulder when someone loses a loved one or organizing a fund raiser for a funeral for them. But, if you don’t know your neighbors, you’ll never know when someone a few feet away needs your help.
- If there are no charities in your area, you could even start your own. There are many people looking to make a change that would love to join your cause. Start with figuring out your vision and mission and deciding what you would like to do to help. You could even ask local businesses to donate services, raffle baskets other items in order to raise money to get you started.
- Education is something that many people need help with whether they are living in poverty or not. You could donate money to schools or donate school supplies or other needed items. You could even involve yourself in a charity that supports children going to school. You may be able to pick one or more children and fully fund them through out their education, if you are able to do that.
Churches, schools and donation centers are a great place to find out where you can volunteer and what you can do. If you don’t know where to start and it is recommended to contact one of these types of places and ask where you can be of use. It may just be donating clothing to charity or it could be even bigger.