Weddings are a huge expense. The wedding industry generates over $70 billion annually in this country alone. So, on a day when you (or your family) have made such a huge investment, it’ll pays off to prep yourself for the natural pitfalls that everyone faces as they take such a big, life-changing step. Whether you’ve been avidly researching destination wedding places or are planning a low-key afternoon in someone’s backyard, here are five basic concepts that will help you keep your head above water.
Things are going to go wrong. Try and remember that when all the guests have left and the band is breaking down, you will still be married. The overall success of the event will not change that, though obviously it is preferable that things go smoothly. Whether you shopped through umpteen wedding planner packages, visited multiple destination wedding places yourself or let your mother handle the whole shebang, what is going to be will be. So, keep your eye on the prize: marrying someone you love in the company of friends and family. Perfection is not a fair goal, but it’s often the one we’re reaching for. Don’t let it ruin your ability to enjoy getting married.
There shouldn’t be anyone at your wedding that wants to see you have a lousy day. While merging two families sometimes brings mixed feelings, the point is that you will be in the company of people that are celebrating your new direction in life. So, when things go wrong — as they inevitably will — remember that you’re not on stage in front of a house full of theater critics looking to skewer your performance.
Sure, you can handle it… until you can’t. One way to keep costs under control is by letting people help out. Artist friends can design the table settings, decorations, etc. Musician friends provide the soundtrack… you get the idea. If you pool resources, you might be surprised at what you come up with that will fit into the scheme you’d already designed. It will also make your guests feel more like participants and less like spectators.
Challenging, we know. But the concern is that if you get too swept up in all of the details, you’ll miss your wedding. Sure, you’ll be there – the pictures will confirm it. But you should try and stop to take notice of your guests and your surroundings. Make memories throughout the day, you’ll be thankful it’s not all just a blur.
It’s inevitable that, after all of the planning and the worry and the snafus – you’re going to crash. This is totally normal and not something that should have you wondering if you’re going crazy. Move forward knowing you achieved your goal – to marry someone you love and have a party about it.
The best wedding places aren’t always the most obvious, and even if you’ve done a great job planning a corporate even before, nothing can prepare you for the hurdles of planning your own wedding. The best destination wedding places aren’t the ones your friends have hyped, nor the royal banquet hall you envisioned for a princess bride. The best place for your wedding is the one that feels comfortable to you and that will allow you to enjoy your day.
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