From Cinncinnati to Omaha.
From hotels to homeless.
The needs of Americans are as varied as the cities they live and the places they call home, but whether families are temporarily staying in a hotel in Cinncinnati or are homeless in Omaha, when the cold winter temperatures arrive they may find themselves looking for warm clothing. Hats and mittens, long pants and jackets. The list goes on and on. And while there are many people in the country who find themselves in need, this is also a country that is blessed with many people who have far more than what the need.
The challenge that many organizations and local communities find themselves facing, especially during the cold weather months, is to connect the gifts of those who have too much with the needs of those who have too little. From Red Cross clothes donation centers that reach out to those in a short term emergency as well as those who are in need on a monthly basis, to charitable groups that use the holidays as a time when they encourage members to make a difference, connecting supplies to those in need is important.
Many times during the holidays, Red Cross clothes donation drives run in conjunction with large department store sales and promotions. For instance, some retailers actually offer a discount coupon to customers who bring clothing donations to the store. With large clothing donation center collection bins stationed at the major entrances to every store, volunteers exchange a discount coupon for donated items. And while not every consumer needs the reward of a discount coupon to motivate them to clean out a closet and donate clothes to Red Cross and other charities, these well timed collections for coupons events can be especially beneficial during the holidays and the winter months.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the need for donations and America and the habits of those who take the time to give to people who are less fortunate:
- $666.1 billion is contributed to the US economy by non-profit organizations.
- 70% of people in America give to charity every year.
- 63% of high net worth donors cite ?giving back to the community? as a chief motivation for giving.
- Donations to selected charities are often tax deductible.
- Unfortunately, Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes a person each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
- The American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood and shelter 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Red Cross clothes donations and emergency food pantries are the only means that some families have to make it though some of the coldest days during the long winter months. Are you doing your part to make sure that those in need, from Cinncinnati to Omaha, have the resources that they require.