When your young one is turning another year older, you want to celebrate with all of their friends and family. However, these past three years have made social distancing a top priority in our lives, so traditional birthday parties are virtually impossible. Having a party with tons of kids may be out of the question, but there are still plenty of Covid-safe party options to give your child one of the best birthdays ever, so let’s get right into it! In this video, we will take a look at some creative ideas to have a socially distanced, covid-safe birthday celebration for your young child.
First of all, just because you can’t get together doesn’t mean you can’t see each other, right? Invite your child’s friends to drive by the house and wave. Ask them all to pull in at a certain time for singing, all without leaving their cars.
You will have to get parents involved, so plan ahead. Next, run down to the local sign shop and get yard signs printed for your child’s special day. Something like “Honk, it’s my birthday!” will get your house buzzing with celebratory honks. Hopefully in the coming years we can resort back to regular birthday parties, but for now we can settle for birthday car parades!