Eventually, the time will come when you will discover that your closets are full of clothes that you no longer wear or even need. The general rule of thumb for whether or not you should donate clothes is if you haven’t worn it in more than six months, it’s okay to donate it. Your gently used clothing can be dropped off at Red Cross donation centers and other charitable organizations. You can receive a number of benefits by donating your clothing to Red Cross donation centers, and this article will take a look at a few of them.
- Donating Will Keep Waste Out of the Landfill: One benefit you will receive is the knowledge that your donations are going to be useful instead of wasting away in a landfill. According to the EPA, individual Americans throw away around 10 pounds of clothing each year. Multiply that by the millions of people living in the United States and that’s a lot of waste going to the landfill that could be put to better use elsewhere. By donating to the Red Cross donation center, your used clothing will go where it’s needed.
- Your Donations Will Help Families in Need: Another benefit you will receive is knowing that your donations will help families in need. Many people across the country find themselves in need of clothing donations, either through poverty or natural disaster taking away what they had. Your donations make it possible for these families to get much-needed clothing and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.
- Making Clothes Donations Will Open Up Space in Your Closet and Your Home: A third benefit that comes from donating your clothing is that you will open up space in your closet and your home. Americans buy nearly 20 billion garments each year, clothing that quickly takes up any available space. By donating the clothes you no longer regularly wear, you can clean out and better organize your closet with the extra space that is now available in your closet and the rest of your home.
- Your Clothing Donations are Tax Deductible: A fourth benefit you can receive from donating your clothing is that your donations are tax deductible. The donation is tax deductible up to the value of the items you are donating. This can be a tremendous benefit especially if you are donating a large amount of valuable clothes.
In conclusion, there are several benefits you can receive when you donate your gently used clothing to the Red Cross donation center, or other charitable organizations. These benefits include, but are not limited to: keeping waste out of the landfill, helping families in need with your donations, opening up space in your closet and your home, and the knowledge that your donations are tax deductible. These are just a few of the benefits you can receive from donating your gently used clothing.