It’s time to buy a home. You’re finally beyond the consideration stage and are finally looking up ‘homes for sale near me’. Your custom homes are just around the corner.
Does that mean your work is just about done? Not quite. Buying a home is an involved process for newcomers and veterans alike, involving hundreds of little details that should all be attended to for you to get the very best out of your purchase. New homes today don’t look quite like the homes of yesteryear, boasting better amenities, more clever locations and plenty of useful additions to supplement your unique lifestyle. A home that works for a newlywed couple will look rather different than the home of a large family with another child on the way!
Before you type up ‘homes for sale near me’ and meet up with a real estate agent…take a glance at some of these statistics and make sure you’re on the right track.
Homes are practically flying off the proverbial shelves. That’s because the art of homeownership is more flexible than its ever been, with more convenient methods of browsing homes online and a wider variety of options to choose from when you look up ‘homes for sale near me’. Even brand new buyers who have never dipped their toes in the water can still find homes for sale that fit their lifestyle to the T. Wherever you land on the scale, you have the world at your fingertips.
Ongoing studies are showing some interesting trends in new construction. Over 30% of people looking to buy new homes are actually first time home buyers. Another survey by Zillow found over 80% of buyers choosing to look for single family homes. This is great news if you’ve feared homeownership to be entirely out of your grasp. The National Association Of Realtors revealed 50% of home buyers citing the right property as the most difficult part of buying a home. This makes research one of the most important steps in the process.
In fact, Millennials are leading the charge when it comes to buying homes. The Harvard Joint Center For Housing Studies recently predicted Millennials to form over 20 million new households over the next decade. Even the reasons for investing in homes is more varied than ever before. One study found 35% of recent buyers who purchased new homes looking to avoid renovations and problems with their plumbing or electricity. Your reasons are just as valid as anyone else’s on your journey to new homes, so make sure to keep them close to heart as you count your options.
Suburban communities are seeing a surge in activity. Over 80% of residential growth is estimated to be in suburbs over the next decades, with the general American improvement and repair expenditure amounting to $325 billion by the time 2015 came to a close. Keeping an eye on trends is a good way of steering your decision closer to a final purchase. There are a lot of options, after all, and ‘homes for sale near me’ doesn’t even begin to narrow it down. You can even start considering renovation before you meet up with a real estate agent.
Your home could be passed down to your children. Perhaps it’ll be sold over the coming years as you move from place to place. Searching up homes online and getting a few details out of the way now will save you a lot of trouble down the road. A 2017 National Association Of Realtors report found over 55% of buyers over the age of 36 preferring to search up their homes online, complete with virtual tours, drop lists and plenty of opportunity to back out at their leisure without wasting gas. Starting to picture your home a little more clearly?
Custom homes are becoming the norm. Whether it’s near a school district for convenience or recently renovated, your future is ready and waiting in the wings.