Maybe you’ve seen a movie that convinced you that when you buy farm land living off the land is the right life for you, or perhaps you were driving a beautiful piece of land that would be ideal for farming. Regardless of why you’re interested in buying farmland, you should know that you should consider it an investment like you would any type of land or property transaction. If you want to buy farmland so you can live off the land, your ideal farming conditions will be different than if you purchase the land with an eye on reselling it to a farmland management company.
Some folks may think that becoming a farmer is as simple as buying land, equipment, and livestock. The reality of farming is that it’s a harsh industry that requires patience, skill, and an understanding of the possibility that you could lose everything if your farm doesn’t produce what it needs to produce for you to meet the needs of your buyers. If your heart is set on farming, research what types of farmland are most valuable and what aspects of the agricultural industry are growing before diving in.

If you are looking to invest in land, farm and ranch land have ample opportunities available throughout the United States. There are just over 2.2. million farms in the United States and as many as 96.4% of crop-producing farms are owned by families. Furthermore, there are large amounts of equestrian property for sale to start a ranch. To start, it is important to know the difference between farms and ranches. A ranch is an area of land that is used to raise livestock. Different types of ranches include a cattle ranch or a horse ranch. Farm land is used more for agricultural purposes, such as growing crops and cultivating food.
Investing in Farm Land
The state of Wyoming has nearly 30,169 million acres of land used for the production of agriculture, so if you are searching for farm land for sale, this is a good place to start. According to Forbes, most farmers collect money off of their land by renting it out to other farmers. So even if you are not a certain type of farmer, investing in farm land then renting it out to a neighboring farmer can still bring you an income. In fact, in 2013 Wyoming farms’ crop production totaled $520 million so farm land is an investment that is sure to bring you a large return.
Investing in Ranch Land
Whether you are looking for equestrian property for sale or a ranch for sale, the land will bring you good returns with your investment. There are many options available once your purchase ranch land. One option is to raise cattle then sell them for food. As food prices rise throughout the years, so does the return on your investment.
Another option is to open a ranch to the public and use it as a resort. A high end resort ranch will bring people from all over the world, and having a work cattle ranch on the property will only increase the experience for visitors.
If you are looking for equestrian property for sale to invest in a ranch or farm land for sale, there are many opportunities available in the Western United States. Even if you do not plan on working the land, you can rent it out to someone who will, which further increases your investment. In addition, land increases in value over time so it is a great real estate investment option.