Each year, Americans spend approximately $700,000,000 on pesticides for their lawns in order to make them look flawlessly green. But what most people don’t know is that the use of lawn pesticides and herbicides can be extremely dangerous and has been linked to everything from cancer and birth defects to liver and kidney damage and neurotoxicity. In fact, because these chemicals are so concentrated, the average suburban lawn gets about 10 times as much chemical pesticide per acre as farmland.
However, today more people are turning to organic lawncare services to treat their lawns without the use of these dangerous chemicals. Here are three reasons to consider choosing an organic lawncare company for a pesticide free lawn service:
1. Say good bye to chemical pesticides and herbicides. The big difference that an organic lawncare company can deliver is that it won’t use pesticides or herbicides with synthetic chemicals. Over time, traditional lawncare services can decrease soil quality by killing off earthworms and soil nutrients, and it can even harm groundwater. In fact, not only are these chemicals dangerous if they seep into the groundwater supply, but they also present a danger for those in the area. Kids and pets who like to play on the lawn are especially susceptible to the effects of pesticides. Switching to organic lawncare services can eliminate these contaminants from your yard.
2. Grow your own organic fruits and vegetables. Buying organic at the grocery store can add up, especially when shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables. If you like to garden, an organic lawncare company can help you find the right setup to grow food without the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. This way homeowners don’t have to worry about any cross contamination with the pesticides, and they can keep their soil quality optimal for bountiful growth.
3. Your lawn will look just as beautiful, if not more so, with organic lawncare treatments as it would with synthetic chemicals. Last but not least, organic lawncare treatments can kill off harmful pests, weeds, and other imperfections in a lawn without all the harmful side effects. The ultimately goal is a picture perfect lawn, and this is entirely achievable through organic treatments.
Have more questions about treating your lawn with organic, pesticide-free products? Leave a comment below.