From anti aging therapy to treating polycystic ovarian disease, there are many ways in which women of all ages can fight infertility problems and find that they are able to become pregnant. And fertility problems are certainly not as rare as many people seem to think that they are. In fact, fertility problems impact a larger amount of women than you or I might have initially realized – as well as a large number of men as well.
No matter what the treatment, from IVF to anti aging therapy, there are many causes of infertility in men and women alike. Some of them are directly related to medical conditions, but others are more to do with the lifestyle of the men and women involved. For instance, smoking has long been known to lower fertility rates in both men and women alike. Simply smoking a mere five cigarettes every day can lower your ability to conceive by quite a bit, and this drop in fertility will of course add up over the course of time and for the longer that you are a smoker.
Mental health and mental illness can also play a role in your fertility and the stress of untreated mental illness can certainly reduce it. This can be seen particularly in cases of depression. It has even been discovered that severe depression over the course of your life can even lead to early hardship when combined with extended or numerous periods of significant financial hardship. While normal menopause usually occurs between the ages of forty and fifty eight, early menopause can even begin during a woman’s early thirties, right when many people are beginning to plan a child, if they do not yet have one.
For those who have infertility issues as a result of early menopause or because they decide to try for a child later on in life, there are a number of fertility treatments that are currently available to them, depending on how much they are willing or able to spend. Anti aging therapy is common for example, but anti aging therapy is certainly far from the only therapy that is available. Along with anti aging therapy, a tubal ovum transfer is common, as is bioidentical hormone therapy. One of these therapies like anti aging therapy can be tried, or anti aging therapy can be used in conjunction with a number of other therapies, including IVF (in vitro fertilization).
Of course, if you are over the age of thirty five by the time that you conceive, there will be a number of risks throughout the duration of your pregnancy. This is due to the fact that any pregnancy that occurs at or after the age of thirty five is technically considered to be a geriatric pregnancy and even a course of anti aging therapy cannot take away these risks. After all, anti aging therapy is primarily geared at the process of getting pregnant in the first place and not necessarily what comes after it.
However, it is also incredibly important to note that you can have absolutely no infertility issues and still have it take awhile to get pregnant. For most women and men who are in the process of trying to conceive a baby, this is absolutely normal and is not a cause for concern. In fact, if you are under the age of thirty five and have no other fertility problems like the disease of endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, it is recommended that you and your partner try for one full year to get pregnant before seeking out the help of a fertility specialist who deals in such concerns. If you have any concerns, visiting your local gynecologist should be the first course of action. If he or she deems it necessary, you can easily then be put in contact with someone who specializes in fertility issues and their solutions.
Fertility problems and difficulty conceiving can be incredibly difficult and can be hard to manage on your own or even as part of a partnership. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can deal with said fertility issues, from anti aging therapy to IVF.