Wasps are an extraordinarily aggressive and pernicious pest problem. Their stings are extremely painful, and to safely remove them from your home you need an expert pest control company to help. This video shows one pest controller facing off against the wasps.
The residents of the home need to keep the windows closed at all time, and even then the wasps are getting in. A family member attempted to seal off the cracks that the wasps snuck in through, to no avail.
The exterminator needs to outfit himself with heavy-duty protective equipment in order to protect himself from potential stings. He then heads to the attic where the enormous nest is located.
The exterminator then sprays the perimeter of the wasp nest with insecticide to keep the aggressive insects at bay. He brought along a tank filled with a heavier duty spray that will totally wipe them out.
Due to the long time it takes for the insecticide to work, the pest controller decides to remove the nest entirely. He removes nest and allows the family to return to their normal lives.
For a better look at the exterminators process, click on the video above.