When many people hear of things such as a stacking organizer, stackable cubes, stackable modular cubes, storage cube organizer, organizational furniture and organize it cubes, they tend to think of nothing but storage and organization. These items and other stacking organizer items are great for those things, but that’s not it. The typical home has over 300,000 items so storage and organization solutions are always helpful, especially for the over 97% who worked from home with various businesses such as the more than 20 million who are involved in quilting. Storage solutions solve a necessary problem, but they can be used for other things too. Read below to see how to get good use out of any stacking organizers or other storage solutions hanging around your house.
Everyone knows that storage products like stacking organizers can be used for kids toys, but with a little creativity you can make them into your kids toys. Use them to make a doll house for your little one allowing hours of playtime while giving her some place to store her toys after use. Have a little boy who loves horses? Make a two story barn with different rooms for different animals so he can store them when done. Their imaginations will go wild and you won’t be stuck cleaning up the aftermath.
Most night stands have drawers to store all of your stuff in, but with a little creativity, and a storage basket or two you can use your stacking organizers to produce a nightstand specifically to your needs. Add pictures, flowers, lamps, candles, scent warmers to make an open concept nightstand which shows your style while serving it’s purpose. Choose either two or three rows high depending on your bed height. That’s the good thing about doing things yourself, you can make them just as you need them.
Cat Space
Got cats? If you do then you know they’re always looking for something to climb on and get into. Sometimes they just want their own space away from everyone else so they can lay down and rest. Using stacking organizers to provide your cats their own area serves a number of purposes. Not only can you save money by using something you already have, but you can make it to accommodate all of your cats whether you have one or nine. You can stack them as high as you like, or your cat likes, and offer some soft spots for your cats to stop and relax when their play is done.
Changing Table
Everyone who has ever had a baby knows the vast amount of items are should be placed on a changing table, but sometimes drawers are not feasible. Drawers pose a tipping hazard if small kids open them and stand in them, and sometimes fumbling with one hand to get to something is just not as easy when you are digging inside of a drawer. This is where stacking organizers can be a life saver. With some creativity, maybe some paint and some material you can make an adorable changing table with cubicles. This allows things to go where they need, but they are still easily accessible even during the middle of the night when sleep deprived parents do good to find just the diapers.
Kitchen Island
Many people will tell you how perfect a stacking organizer are for storing kitchen gadgets, utensils and dishes are not used often, but what about a different idea? Attach wheels to the bottom of the organizer and you have a perfect rolling island for your kitchen. The cubes allow you to store everything you need for the island so that it is easily accessible. If you stacking organizer is wood then consider getting some hinges and attaching doors to a couple of the cubicles. This can keep stored things from falling out.
There are endless ideas for your storage solutions when you find you no longer need them. Use a little creativity and you can find they are still quite useful just for different purposes. Create new things for your home, re purpose old things and bring unused objects back to life with these simple tips and tricks.