What do you feel when you take in your home furnishings and decor? A recent survey showed that 14% of its participants claimed their’s made them feel gloomy. Since the survey also showed that 47% of people in the United States haven’t updated their home’s decor in the past 5 years, this may not surprising.
There’s more to updating decor than just a good spring cleaning, although that, too, can make a major impact on a person’s state-of-mind. Since just 20% of Americans are happy with their home decor, chances are that they update it on a regular basis or have a particular theme that they continue to develop over time.
Sometimes, all it takes to revitalize a home’s interiors is to rearrange furniture and add a few carefully-chosen items. When homeowners have a love for the ocean, for example, nautical home decorations can add some wind to their sails.
Life preserver wall decorations can be a great place to start. These can be combined with other nautical-themed decor such as a brass nautical clock or wooden ship wheel. Shopping for these and other items, such as throw pillows, rugs, and drapery with a life preserver theme can be a lot of fun. Furthermore, since this is your home, you can combine these items in any way that you choose.
Do you like to go shopping? According to a recent survey, 65% of women and 58% of men would rather go shopping for items to decorate their home than for shoes for themselves. It’s also interesting to note that men are more likely than women to take time off from work to decorate their homes. The survey showed that 55% of men would take a week off, while just 45% of women would do this.
Whether you choose to take time off from work to decorate, or spend your weekends and evenings doing so, you’ll be pleased that you created the time to do so. Since you likely spend quite a few waking hours in your home, you want it to reflect your tastes, personality, and lifestyle. What’s even more important is that you feel good when you take in your home’s surroundings.