As women age, it comes with a plethora of health issues they must deal with on a daily basis. One of the hardest parts is that there is no set age in which a women starts struggling with their health. Instead, there is simply an age range for which women can expect their body to start going through some changes that greatly affect their day-to-day lives. From infertility, to menopause, to polycystic ovarian disease, women have to constantly be prepared for any number of things to happen to their health as they get older. Although they can resort to anti aging therapy, women still need to understand how their bodies change over time.
Want to start preparing for potential changes that could happen as you age? Keep reading to learn about two of the main health issues women struggle with.
1. Fertility and infertility
Infertility and fertility issues can affect women of varying ages. Whether you or your partner smoke a few cigarettes each day or you have passed the prime age for fertility, either issue can begin to affect your ability to get pregnant.
If you are under the age of 35, fertility should be less of an issue most of the time. In fact, it is suggested that women should try to get pregnant for an entire year if they are under the age of 35 before contacting any health professionals about the issue. Sometimes it simply takes a little bit of time to get pregnant, and it is not actually an issue with infertility. After age 35, getting pregnant can become more difficult, and it may be necessary to seek infertility solutions or anti aging therapy.
A few ways to treat this are medicine, surgery, intra-uterine insemination and assisted reproductive technology. It may even be the case that you become successfully pregnant once, and then you struggle with a second pregnancy. This can happen at times. It is called secondary infertility and 11 percent of couples experience this. Anti aging therapy and other treatments can assist with this issue, too.
2. Entering and experiencing menopause
Menopause is an expected change that all women experience at some point in their lives. The age you enter menopause can vary greatly with some women starting in their 30s. Others do not experience menopause until their 60s. Generally, you will be somewhere around yours late 40s to early 50s when you start to go through menopause. Surprisingly, the age that women most commonly enter menopause has remained pretty much the same throughout the past few centuries. Although life expectancy has increased greatly over the centuries, women still seem to enter menopause during the same age ranges.
The majority of women will experience something known as perimenopause prior to entering menopause. 90 percent of women typically experience this, and it can go on for a few years, too. During this time, periods are irregular. After you have gone a year without your period, you are considered menopausal.
Once entering menopause, you will no longer be able to get pregnant. It also comes with its own set of side effects that you must endure. IF you have just recently entered menopause, you can still resort to anti aging therapy or hormone therapy for another couple of years. There are no increased risks for a few years after entering menopause.
Note that depending on a multitude of factors in your current life, you can enter menopause earlier than others. For instance, depression and financial hardship are two things that have been shown to result in early menopause according to a few studies done in 2003. Other types of hardship have been documented to lead to an earlier physical transition than it may have been without any hardships.
Have you entered menopause yet? Have you ever thought about using hormone treatments or anti aging therapy? Let us know in the comments about your experience with any of the abovementioned changes women experience as they age.