Nautical themed rooms and/or homes are one of the latest, greatest trends in interior decorating. Nautical decor can make a room not only aesthetically pleasing, but also feel alive, full of character, and brimming with history.
But now what? You’ve taken the first step and decided that you want a nautical theme, but now what do you do?
Simple. You begin planning. Here are a few tips to help you create a lively, enchanting, nautical theme.
Plan the Colors.
First and foremost, you need to plan the color scheme of your new, nautical themed rooms. Typically, the main colors used for nautical decor are navy, white, and khaki, while secondary colors used for nautical decor are red, yellow, and black. Essentially, if you want a nautical themed room, the most dominant colors need to be navy, white, or khaki, with red, yellow, and black used as accents. These are the six colors you should stick with when painting, choosing furniture, and making other decorative decisions.
Invest in a Center Piece.
Every room has a focal point. In the living room, it’s typically the TV. In a sitting room, it’s typically the table. In a bedroom, it’s usually the bed. In every room, there’s usually one spot that draws everyone’s attention. To really nail a nautical theme, you need to incorporate some form of nautical element into that center point. To do this, you should consider investing in a quality center piece. Place an item like a replica diving helmet near the TV, on the mantle, or on the table to really tie the nautical theme decor together.
Choose Some Nautical Home Decorations.
As they say, the devil is in the details. To complete a nautical theme, you’re going to need to get some tasteful nautical decorations. Consider hanging pieces of nautical decor, like a ship’s wheel, rope, or oil lantern on the wall.
Once you’ve taken these three steps, you’ve officially created a nautical themed room. If you have any questions about nautical decor, feel free to ask in the comments. For more information see this.