Bedbugs aren’t something new, but they do seem to be more common than before, leaving you to ask if you see marks on your skin, are bed bug bites bumpy or flat, or are bed bug bites all over the body? Are bed bug bites bad for you? Are bed bugs bad at all? They don’t carry diseases like some pests, but the bites can itch, and they prefer to feed at night while you sleep. Additionally, some people associate having bedbugs with being dirty. This is not true or accurate, but there is a stigma sometimes directed unfairly at those with them.
You need to get rid of them as soon as possible, but these bugs multiply quickly and are very small. By the time you see adults, you probably have an ever-increasing deep infestation because eggs and babies are hard to see, making bedbug removal on your own very difficult.
Bed bug removal isn’t a simple matter of using an insect repellant. They are too good at hiding and hitch rides on you to infest every room. Thermal remediation is the best solution for killing these bloodsucking insects that have become unfazed by chemical insecticides. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite. But if they do, you will need to call in a bed bug pest control service.
About Bed Bugs: These bugs are brownish-red in color and can lay anywhere between one to five eggs every day — more than 500 in a lifetime! They have been shown to travel over 100 feet per night, but only live within eight feet of their prey: Humans. Bed bugs are so tiny that they can often pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress — which is why they are so difficult to get rid of. These critters hide during the day and come out at night to feed, though they can often live several months without a blood meal.
Affect on Society: An estimated one out of every five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their living quarters, or at least knows someone who has encountered bed bugs at home or in a hotel they stayed at. Throughout the past few years, bed bugs have become more common, with the incidence three times higher in urban areas than in rural ones. This is mostly due to the fact that cities have a larger population size, tight living spaces (apartment complexes, etc.), and increased mobility.
Today’s Bed Bugs: The most effective bed bug treatment is not what many people think these days. Using chemicals is neither cost effective nor successful in riding homes and hotels of these pests. Modern bed bug populations are now very resistant to insecticides used for their extermination. Using chemicals can often be hazardous to the health of humans.
Thermal Remediation for Bed Bugs: Because bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures (from just above freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit), many hotel and home owners have turned to non-toxic bed bug treatment to cute themselves of the infestation. Thermal remediation for bed bugs has proven to be the most effective organic bed bug treatment out there today.
Heat is non-toxic, so it does not affect human health, nor does it cause any severe damage to personal belongings. The major benefit of thermal remediation for bed bugs is that it can kill the critters at all stages of their life cycle, including the eggs.
Thermal Remediation Services: If you have been battling a bed bug problem for months with no end in sight, call in a remediation team. The company will bring in high-powered thermal remediation equipment, which consists of huge industrial space heaters and a few large fans to circulate the hot air around the affected room.
Houses, apartment buildings, and dorm rooms are then heated to 140 degrees and held at this steady temperature for up to two hours, or the room is baked at 130 degrees for three hours. The heat will cause the bed bugs to leave their hiding places, yet then they will die due to the extreme environment — making for an easy clean up.